Monday, March 13, 2006

falling for someone = chocolate?

Someone asked me the other day how long the balloon and I have been together, and I realized that we have almost been together for 6 months. Not a ridiculously long period of time, i know, but still a milestone for me. kind of like a personal best. it's been 6 months of "new" for me - lots of transition and growth; learning my needs and wants; learning how to communicate. it's been difficult at times; taken some time to get into some sort of a rhythm - but i don't think i've ever liked anyone else as much as this balloon (see balloons), or have been as emotionally invested. this is the longest relationship i've ever been in, and after 6 months, i still get butterflies :)

and while i know that if this relationship were to end (though i would be devastatingly crushed), i'll survive and that I would learn to be happy again (i was capable of being happy before, right?). but there's a way in which this relationship has changed me; has made me richer, more courageous, and more honest with myself. I figure it's a lot like discovering chocolate:

before i ever had chocolate, i was fine. in fact, i was great. i was happy with candy and ice cream, playing with my Mr. Potato Head on the couch. but then, one fateful day, i had chocolate. and it was amazing. i mean, i had heard from my friends that it was amazing, and not that i doubted them, but i had no idea that it was THAT amazing. so amazing that i had no idea how i had lived without it before. and now i want chocolate everyday. and i can't go back or remember what life was like before i discovered chocolate.

ok - so chocolate doesn't necessarily make me more honest with myself, but you get the gist. and i can remember my life 8 months ago before i met this balloon, but i like my life better now with the string tied onto my wrist :)

listening to: Postal Service - Be Still My Heart


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